1:1 Consults, from the comfort of your home

Supporting your nutrition, energy & mental wellbeing through pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding and beyond.

  • Pregnancy Nutrition

    If you are wanting support for either your 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester, this is the 1:1 consult for you! You will learn about optimal nutrition to support your pregnancy. This includes ensuring you are taking the right prenatal vitamins, addressing any nutrient deficiencies, education about food safety in pregnancy and individually tailored advice to support you and your growing baby.

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  • Postpartum Nutrition

    An in-depth & holistic appointment designed to support and educate you on nutrition for motherhood. If you are struggling with postnatal depression, anxiety, thyroid concerns, irregular or painful periods, PCOS, Endometriosis, recurrent UTI/s or vaginal thrush, low libido, a weak immune system or even poor gut health- this is consult for you! You will learn and be provided with individually tailored dietary, supplement and lifestyle advice to help you navigate motherhood and put your own health and wellness first!

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  • Breastfeeding Nutrition

    A 1 hour, in depth & holistic Clinical Nutrition appointment exploring your health & wellness throughout breastfeeding. This consult is perfect if you are wanting to prepare for breastfeeding, support your milk supply, navigate intolerances in baby, recurrent mastitis, replenish nutrient stores, nutrition for tandem feeding or navigating breastfeeding to return to work

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  • Infant & Children's Nutrition

    An empowering and educational consultation to help you feel prepared in supporting your child's nutrition. If you are wanting to know more about the right way to start solids (when, how & allergen introduction), combating picky & fussy eating, supporting behavioural conditions, improving immunity and supporting your child's gut health- then this is the perfect consultation for you!

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  • Pathology Review

    Has your doctor told you all your bloods are "normal" and that you are "fine" but you still feel utterly exhausted? In this consult you will be given an in-depth review of your bloods and script for practitioner grade supplements to correct any deficiencies

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Boosting the nutrition & vitality of mums

Meet your Clinical Nutritionist

Meg is a Masters qualified Clinical Nutritionist specialising in nutrition for mums. She is passionate about supporting mums thrive and providing them with support to empower their health and wellbeing in motherhood. She practices holistically, using a blend of nutritional medicine, therapeutic supplements, functional pathology and lifestyle support, ensuring you get the best support. Meg is also a PhD student, writing her thesis on postnatal mood disorders, breastfeeding & medicinal cannabis.

Qualifications: BHSc (Nutritional & Dietetic Medicine) MHumNut (Masters of Human Nutrition)

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