Planning your FOURTH trimester

Planning your FOURTH trimester

Most women do a fabulous job of preparing for their baby’s birth.

They enrol in a Birth Preparation course of some sort (and there’s heaps to choose from). They learn what to expect during their labour and birth, the different stages of labour and what to expect in each stage. What common problems can arise and how to prevent them or manage them if they do occur. What pain relief options are available, what support people they want with them during the birth and how they want to be supported by them.

Most will even go so far as to formalise their birth preparation into a Birth Plan or Birth Preference written list.


This is extremely beneficial for the expectant mother for many, many reasons. Firstly it helps her to delve deeply into herself, asking herself what her hopes and dreams are for her birth. What her needs are and how others can help her achieve her goal. It also enables her partner and other caregivers to remind her of her choices when she is in the discomfit of a progressing labour. Everyone is able to work towards the common goal she has because everyone knows what mum’s wishes are. It’s all been thought about beforehand and written down in a plan.

However, birth is not the end of the story.

It’s just the start of a much longer journey into a lifelong postnatal phase called motherhood, or matrescence, which comes with its own challenges and joys. Those first few weeks often pass in a blur of exhaustion, overwhelm, physical discomfit, and anxiety if you don’t know what to expect or who your supports are.

That’s why it’s so important to have a postnatal plan before you give birth. Having someone tell you during pregnancy what to expect after the baby is born is invaluable. If you know what to expect, then you can plan for it and move through it in peace knowing what’s normal. Similarly you’ll be able to recognise if something is not normal, and know who you can ask for help. You often aren’t in the headspace to do it once the baby is earthside.

A POSTNATAL PLAN deserves the same careful thought, investment, and input from a professional so you can have a postnatal experience with the least amount of anxiety and overwhelm possible. And instead, have a postnatal experience filled with calm contentment, peace and fulfilling joy as you get to know, bond, feed and love this new little human you’ve created.

Image credit: Life After Birth


Written by Colleen, midwife & newborn educator



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Getting my daughter to sleep took up most of my time and I was just exhausted. Thank you for sharing the link. I decided to buy Susan Urban’s audiobook (it’s great because I could listen to it while doing other things with my child) and I am delighted. My life has changed and I am now the happiest mother in the world! Thank you again


I must admit – being sleep deprived is making me crazy! I’ve also used HWL sleep training but until finding Susan’s method I didn’t want to sleep train at all but in fact I needed that so much. I mean – my baby also, but I feel like a better mom and a better person in general, since we both we sleep better and longer.


I’m wondering – does it make sens with the second baby as well? Of it’s just important with the firstborn? I must say I’ve been having some self-trouble after birth. Melody used to be a terrible sleeper and I was so sleep-deprived… Until I’ve met Susan Urban’s HWL sleep training (this one: ) although it’s been much later. I guess I could’ve used some help before.


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